Our Technological Future - Mixed Bag #19
Have I got some groovy new techstuff for you!
First off, Microsofts new technology that represents the future of computing (and management of... things that need management).
DARwIn will be America's first humanoid RoboCup competitor
My Electric Car is Faster Than Your Ferrari
Video Demonstration of Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser (MTHEL)
PAL-V (Flying car)
64MW Solar Installation About To Be Switched On!
Toshiba Matsushita Announces Development of Lightweight LED-Backlit LCD Panels
Rays light up life-like graphics
The Futurist: Hands-On With The Neatest New Nanotech
The Incredible Shrinking Engine
Hydrogen Storage: UNBF Researchers Achieve Technology Breakthrough
New Cell Type Identified in Cancer Development
Solar Plane to Fly Continuously Around Mars
Hair Cells Regeneration - Intercytex
Quantum mechanics may explain how humans smell
The Armed Robots Speak Hebrew
Solar Energy To Be Mainstream Power Source By 2025
Nano Projector
Artificial lymph node transplanted into mice
Catalyst could help turn CO2 into fuel
Teenager achieves nuclear fusion at home
Man Lives Pollution-Free in First Solar-Hydrogen House
Photons Trapped for Record Time
Powerful Little Light: LED With 1,000 Lumens
Molecular Switch Holds Key to Reserve Supply of Muscle Stem Cells
These Boots Were Made for 22 M.P.H.
UNC scientists discover cellular 'SOS' signal in response to UV skin damage
County to Vaporize Trash - Poof!
A Single-Photon Server with Just One Atom
'Almost Human' by Lee Gutkind (review of book about robot intelligence)
New Weight Loss Drug Acomplia On The Horizon
Is this the fabric of the universe?
Key to memory formation revealed
Scientists Make Ice Hotter Than Boiling Water
8 Signs Google is Planning to Build a National Wireless Network
New Biofuels Process Promises To Meet All U.S. Transportation Needs
Self-Propelled Diodes Could Traverse the Human Body

Great blog! You do a good job of bundling a whole lot of exciting new technologies.
I have you bookmarked.
Thanks a lot. Tell your friends. :)
I love your blog. I follow it on RSS.
I think that you should join us as an author at
Consider yourself officially invited :) by me, Javier, the founder and main editor.
We are building a really interesting project and better quality people are joining all the time. You are 28, I am 32, and some other contributors are also in their 20s and early 30s.
They also have blogs and websites and are interesting contacts to have. We are from the US, UK, CZ, PK, India...you name it. Really cool.
We can’t pay writers for the moment, but I have the impression that you like to help people, and that's one of the reasons we do it too (we also can make good money with it later)
Have a look at the Trendirama.com website...
We started it one month ago and have already 12 articles published and 40 registered authors. We write about The Future.
It would be great if you write an article there on anything you are passionate about.
But even if not, congratulations for your blog and thanks for the good reading time I spent here.
Javier Marti
I forgot to say
We have a lot of things in common, particularly robotics and the future...
see my blog
I like your format. It lets you blog when you have time, but you don't sacrifice information content.
My blog links to Our Technological Future. Please consider placing a reciprocation link here.
I tried your site but it's down at the moment.
Will look later.
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