Our Technological Future - Mixed Bag #16
Another cool bag of technology links.
Even more than in my previous post, but collected in about half the time.
How GPUs Work (have a look at tomorrow's level of realism in computer graphics)
James Bond-style strap-on jet pack flying wing to extend special forces
Detailed Roadmap of the 21st Century (should you have the desire to become a lucid dreamer... this clip will provide you with plenty of inspiration I think)
Dexter Walks (biped robot)
Future Forecasts for the Next 25 Years
Led Paint Drawing Technology
Lie detector software catches e-mail fibbers
Xerox Inkless Printer
Inter-planetary Internet expands to Mars and beyond
Chemical origami shrinks 2D discs into 3D objects
Nanotech Chain Mail Fabric a Perfect Fit
Milky Way Black Hole May Be a Colossal Particle Accelerator
The Future of Garbage
Fuel Cell Car and Experiment Kit
Electricity from Seaweed
Mice get smarter with drug (requires login which you can get at www.bugmenot.com)
Body shop (cybernetics)
Carbon Nanotubes versus HIV
Bionic cat eyes help in battle against human blindness
What If the Singularity Does NOT Happen
Brain works more chaotically than previously thought
Chinese Scientists Control Pigeons With Brain Implant
First steps to develop artificial retina with nanotechnology
Scientists invent real-life `Star Trek Tricorder`
Gravity waves to show birth of cosmos
A hidden twist in the black hole information paradox
Regain walking ability with robot-driven leg support
The 12 greenest cars of 2007
Solar powered robot chariot
Nanotechnology Seen as Answer to Counterfeiters
Researchers safely regenerate failing mouse hearts with programmed embryonic stem cells
Let Robots Sweat the Boring Stuff
NASA tests moon building
Liposuctioned fat stem cells to repair bodies
Milestone for giant physics lab
Singularities and Nightmares
Fantastic animation that visualizes physiology of the body
Robots and Emotion
Nanotechnology in a small world
Army Developing Paralysis Beam
Algorithm helps computers beat humans at Go
Man Invents Machine To Cure Cancer
Electric switch could turn on limb regeneration
Easy Cheap Solar Heat
Microscope discerns atoms of different elements
The thinnest material ever and could revolutionise computers and medicine
AMD Demonstrates Accelerated Computing Solution that Breaks Teraflop Barrier

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