Sunday, November 05, 2006

Our Technological Future - Mixed Bag #5

Where can you get 27 of the coolest technology links, all collected in one blogpost? That's right. Only here, on Our Technological Future.

Self-assembling gel stops bleeding in seconds

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Jan-Willem Bats said...

I'm not sure about those simulations that you propose. The problem will not be computing power. A few years from now, anybody will be able to buy supercomputer-like power for a few cents per hour, thanks to advances in grid computing.

The main problem lies in understanding how our organs work and then coming up with the software to simulate them.

Ofcourse, work on e-cells is already being conducted worldwide.

I'm not sure about the end of this decade. I'm pretty sure science will get it done well before the end of the next, though.


Justin said...

We have a ZCorporation Spectrum Z510 where I work (I'm a design engineer). It's a Santa Claus machine - but his elves make everything out of crumbly foam.

Still, it's way cool to design something at my workstation, go to lunch, and hold it in my hand when I get back.

Of course, the foam is just the start. When 3D printers can make metal parts, our company will be able to make much better products and save a metric assload in manufacturing costs.