Our Technological Future - Mixed Bag #6
Another great collection of recent breakthroughs in technology.
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Cell transplants 'restore sight'
A Quantum Leap in Data Encryption
Cheap, Superefficient Solar
Supercomputing's Next Revolution
IBM accelerates push into 3D virtual worlds
Samsung creates machine-gunning robot, doesn't play MP3s
Pre-DOCSIS 3.0 rollout in South Korea hits 100Mbps
Digital newspapers by 2008
Stem cells fend off lung cancer
Progress recorded in HIV vaccine development
10 Emerging Technologies (hot!!!)
Dark Matter Made Visible
Scientists create artificial gut
Robot to Look After Elderly
Robot cars rev up for the city
Watching the Insides of a Cell
Going for a blast into the real past
Robot Discovers Itself, Adapts to Injury
Drug Doubles Endurance, Study Says
Polio "could be eradicated" by end of decade
Wind Powered Robot
Here comes the fastest storage in the world
Legendary Swords' Sharpness, Strength From Nanotubes, Study Says
Japanese boffins show off 512-core chip
Robot learns to grasp everyday chores