Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Scientists Don't Doubt Nano Future

Take a look over here for a list of quatations of scientists about nanotechnology:

PROFESSOR PHILIP STAMP, UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA: Nanotechnology is what everybody is going to see in the supermarket in the next 30 years. It's basically a huge wave of future technology that's going to emerge. It's already starting.


GENEVIEVE HUSSEY: Nanoscience is an emerging technology that will change our lives in ways we cannot imagine. It's the study and use of tiny nanoparticles. They're as small as an atom. 10,000 could fit across a human hair and their potential is endless.


PROFESSOR PHILIP STAMP: When you can make things purpose-built small, when you can make designer molecules or when you can make nanoplatforms that are almost invisible, but which can go into the human body and do drug delivery or even gene delivery, clearly, it's going to influence everything. One can imagine nanobots in the toothpaste, for example, which are employed to do dental work. All it takes is some ingenuity.


GENEVIEVE HUSSEY: Already nanotechnology is filtering into our daily lives. Sunscreen is packed with nanoparticles of zinc oxide. This experimental nanotechnology house in Sydney has windows that keep themselves clean.


PROFESSOR HARI MANOHARAN, STAMFORD UNIVERSITY: Paints on cars now are beginning to be imbedded with so-called nanoparticles. Very small, nanometre-scale composite objects that have been synthesised with reasonably new technologies and infused in paint to do something that paint normally doesn't do - basically, keep dirt off.


PROFESSOR PHILIP STAMP: It would take an ordinary computer, you know, years or centuries to do that. A quantum computer would do it in a microsecond or less. There is almost no limit to the things that it could do. And people talk about, for example, teleporting things, using the rules of quantum mechanics and these things seem even more strange than science fiction and yet they have already been demonstrated in the lab on a very small scale.


GENEVIEVE HUSSEY: Stamford University researcher Hari Manoharan says we need to understand the rules that govern these small particles before we can harness their power. In the laboratory he's been able to move single atoms of cobalt to build a structure, one atom at a time.


GENEVIEVE HUSSEY: At the University of New South Wales scientists have already created the basic building blocks for a quantum computer by placing single atoms into a silicone chip and showing they can control those. Professor Robert Clark hopes the first full-scale quantum computer could be up and running within 20 years, with Australia positioned as a significant player.


GENEVIEVE HUSSEY: In the meantime, scientists are pushing ahead. They say nanotechnology is here to stay and they believe long-term the benefits will outweigh any risk.


PROFESSOR ROBERT CLARK: We really do feel we could build a better world in various aspects. In my own particular case, if we can, through our Australian contribution, contribute to the computing power that is necessary for all of these breakthroughs that we'd like to make, that would be a very good feeling.

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