Our Technological Future - Mixed Bag #20
Can you believe this is mixed bag #20 already?
I am sooooooo gonna have the most gigantic collection of mixed bags in the entire blogosphere if I keep this up long enough.
Anyways... enjoy.
Cyborgs Coming Soon (2008)
Pass the Virtual Scalpel, Nurse
3D Printers to Dip Below $5,000 USD This Year
The Most Realistic Virtual Reality Room In The World
Stem cells speed growth of healthy liver tissue
Expressive robot computers
Raytheon Develops World's First Polymorphic Computer
The Memory Hacker
Stem cell therapy shows promise for rescuing deteriorating vision
British team grows human heart valve from stem cells
Salamanders Re-grow Lost Limbs, Could Human Medicine Benefit From Understanding Regeneration?
The Age of Cheap, Plastic Robots
Computer Model Behaves Like Humans On Visual Categorization Task
Diabetics cured in stem-cell treatment advance
Isolation Of Stem Cells May Lead To A Treatment For Hearing Loss
Lives of a Cell, the 3-D Version
Liver regeneration may be simpler than previously thought
'Fat' gene found by scientists
Learn Like A Human
‘Exercise pill’ switches on gene that tells cells to burn fat
Scientists Make Skin Grow New Hair Follicles By Itself
Mouse cortex simulated on supercomputer
45-minute operation to restore sight to millions
40% efficient solar cells to be used for solar electricity
Hydrogen breakthrough could open the road to carbon-free cars
Daily pill to beat genetic diseases
Deep brain implants show bionic vision promise